Operation Round Up
How a Little Change can Make a Big Difference
What is the Program?
Members of Tri-County Electric Cooperative are participating in an exciting program that provides funding for worthy projects here in our area. It’s called Operation Round-Up. It is administered by Tri-County Electric Trust, a board of directors made up of local community leaders who serve on a voluntary basis.
How Do I Participate?
If you choose to participate in Operation Round-Up, Tri-County Electric Cooperative will round up your monthly electric bill to the next highest dollar. That extra amount is your contribution to the program, and your donation only adds up to about six dollars a year. If all Tri-County Electric Cooperative consumers join in, we will Round-Up approximately $100,000 per year! By cooperating in this way, our members can help a lot of needy and worthy people.
Operation Round Up funds stay right here in the community. This money focuses on needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health care, and other community services.
Tri-County Electric Cooperative consumers are automatically included in Operation Round-Up. If you choose not to participate, or if you wish to discontinue your contributions at any time, simply contact your local Tri-County Electric Cooperative office.
Contributions to Operation Round Up are tax-deductible. We’ll mail you a summary of your contributions with your January and February statements. Tri-County Electric Cooperative will also use every available means to keep consumers informed whenever Round-Up contributions are made by the Tri-County Electric Trust.
Operation Round Up has grown into a goodwill movement of literally national proportions that draws enthusiastic praise and participation from electric cooperatives throughout the country. Over 200 electric co-cops in the United States use Operation Round-Up to raise money for charitable causes within their own service areas, just as we do in ours. It’s a shining example of the Touchstone Energy values hard at work.