1. Account Number: Your account number appears in the upper left portion of the bill. This unique number identifies the specific account set up under your membership. It is important that you provide the account number in question any time you need information on your account or report a concern.
2. Meter Readings: Your bill lists both the previous and present readings on your meter, as well as the kilowatt hours used during the billing period, which is the difference between the two readings. Our meters are read electronically and by Tri-County Electric Cooperative employees. It is each member’s responsibility to ensure we have access to these meters. Locked gates, unfriendly dogs and other obstacles can result in incorrect meter readings.
3. kWh Used: Your electricity usage is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). A kWh is equivalent to 1,000 watts of power used for a period of one hour. For example, if you were to burn a 100-watt light bulb for 10 hours, it would consume one kWh of electricity. The amount of kWh used times the cost per kWh equals the cost of Energy consumed.
4. Wholesale Power Cost Adjuster: An adjustment factor that reflects the cost of fuel needed to produce electricity. It is a reflection of variances in the base cost of wholesale power cost.
5. Monthly Account Charge: A monthly charge for costs required to provide electric power, excluding purchased power costs and demand costs. This charge is separate from energy consumption charges (i.e. per kWh charges).
6. Daily kWh Usage: This area shows a graph of your daily kWh usage from the start date of the billing cycle to the end date of the billing cycle.
7. Important Information: This area contains monthly information to our customers for any current news or important events.
8. Payment Information: This portion of the bill needs to be detached and returned with your payment.
9. Back of The Bill: This area will be used for general member communication.